Pre/Post Instructions



Dr. Rawdin will arrive 30-45 minutes prior to the scheduled time of the ceremony in order to make any preparations and to ensure that everything is present and laid out appropriately.

Please obtain the following items and prepare the infant as follows. Don’t hesitate to call or email with any questions or concerns. 

  1. Kippot—enough for the amount of male guests attending (Optional)

  2. One Kiddush cup—a family heirloom or a new cup that can be used at the child’s Bar-Mitzvah and other life events

  3. One bottle of sweet wine (ie: Manishewitz or Kedem brand)

  4. One sturdy table—waist high (kitchen or dining room table is adequate.)

  5. A table lamp or direct overhead lighting

  6. A wastebasket with a disposable plastic trash bag

  7. One bottle of liquid INFANT pain reliever/fever reducer- acetaminophen

  8. One or two boxes of 3 x 3 sterile gauze pads 

  9. One or two tubes/ large tub pure petrolatum gel (fragrance free) (new) (not Aquafor)

  10. One tube of antibiotic ointment

  11. Diapers

  12. Two candles/candlesticks with matches/lighter

  13. One Challah

  14. Reading glasses (optional)

Infant Feedings
Your baby boy should finish feeding about 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time of the ceremony. This will allow time for proper burping and preparation. Your infant should then be satisfied throughout the short procedure and for the duration of the Bris, but be ready to feed afterward.

Pain Relief
In addition to local anesthetic that will be administered prior to starting the ceremony, the infant will be given a few drops of sucrose solution prior to the procedure. This helps to create a very passive and satisfied infant. This, along with the local anesthetic, allows for a calm infant that is minimally affected by the procedure. If there is no objection, a pacifier also helps to calm the infant. And for those families who do not want to use a pacifier, other alternatives are available and Dr. Rawdin will discuss these with you.

Care After Ceremony
About 15–30 minutes after the ceremony is completed and while everyone is enjoying the seudat mitzvah, Dr. Rawdin will pull the parents aside to perform a follow-up check on the infant. This allows him to not only check on the newly circumcised penis, but it also allows him the opportunity to review with the parents what to look for and how to care for the penis.

Aftercare instructions that are handed out to the parents will detail how to take care of the newly circumcised penis, answer many frequently asked questions, and also address common issues that may occur.

In addition, Dr. Rawdin is available by phone and e-mail. He always does a follow-up phone call within 24 hours and encourages the parents to call with any concerns.

Healing takes about a week, but by the second or third day, you will start to notice a significant difference as the redness and swelling begin to subside and the penis continues to heal and improve in appearance.

Dr. Rawdin’s role as a mohel is not complete until the parents are satisfied and comfortable and their son has healed.